Resource Guarding
Dogs can be territorial, possessive, and protective of objects.
A common misconception is that a dog will only guard one thing, but this is not always the case. There are many reasons that lead to a dog guarding an object or person and it’s difficult for owners to know what triggers this behavior.
Why is my dog always guarding food or toys?
Resource Guarding is a more complex problem and can cover a broad range of objects guarded, varying from dog to dog. They may guard their food bowl, treats, toys, the bed or sofa, people, random objects, and the list goes on.
When we are helping clients with this problem, we want to determine what possible triggers may be present, the severity of the dog’s behavior, and the family dynamics involved. In addition, we like to assess what type of structure and consistency are present in the dog’s lifestyle. Sometimes adding training, consistency, and structure can make a huge difference in behavioral issues. Some behaviors may always be present to one degree or another and may require more management implemented into the dog’s lifestyle.
Dog Training Programs
We are here for you and your dog
Your Dog Will
Your Dog Won't
Private Lessons
Board and Train
Your dog stays with us for their training where we will accomplish a lot of training in a short period of time. We then train owners with their pets in both private and group sessions that are included with each package.